Opening ceremony of the primary school Daoming-3 (Mataipo)
Today is like a holiday. All the people of Mataipo, regardless of age or sex, are dressing their best clothes and have gone early to the site of its new elementary school. Local government officials also arrived early, and after visiting all facilities at our school, were pleasantly surprised by our work.

At 10 o'clock in the morning began the official opening ceremony of the school and the notes of the national anthem flew high into the clear sky, while the five red stars of our national flag rose slowly. The sound of firecrackers collaborated to form an even more festive atmosphere. The Administrator of the College St. Pablo de Macau, An Jingdao and Vice-President of the People's Assembly presided over the opening ceremony. Later there was a cultural representation, whose main objective was to express gratitude and affection to all teachers and students of the Colegio San Pablo de Macau.