Melody of Thanksgiving
The lyrics of this song have been written by the people of the Miao ethnic minority village of Zhangpojiao as thanksgiving, and the music was created by the nun of the Tibetan ethnic minority Ying Zhang, who lives in Kunming. Today, everyone in Zhangpojiao, young and old, are able to sing this song.
Happiness comes
We thank God that we have received grace.
We thank the teachers and students of St. Paul College
because, despite the difficulties and dangers of the road,
have given us with your care.
Oh, When they heard Zhangpojiao children had no school,
and that this was our daily pain,
we can only give thanks to the Virgin Mary,
teachers and students of Holy Family College
and Liang Lu brothers who have given us their affection and love,
and give us a school!
For us to better days have left their families and friends.
Comes happiness, happiness comes!
Blossoming flowers are blooming like a flower like sister Chen
Plum trees open undefeated ah!
For the happiness of Zhangpojiao's descendants
tired to worry about construction of the school